Photos by MomoMeatballs

Photos by MomoMeatballs

About Us

PAPERCUT ZINE LIBRARY is a free, volunteer-run browsing library with a collection of 16,000+ zines & independent media. Including but not limited to: politics, comics, multimedia, DIY guides, queer & gender politics, feminism, race, class, foreign language zines, bikes, travel, health/sex, XXX, parenting/education, environment/animals, religion/spirituality, humor, art/film, fiction/poetry, and music.

PZL operates on a non-hierarchical consensus based model. We are involved with a variety of community outreach projects from workshops on harm reduction to zine-making at public and academic libraries!

Keeping it rad since 2005.


Democracy Center
45 Mt Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

Most updated accessibility information can be found here^


Please note: PZL is currently closed for browsing to prevent COVID-19 spread.


PZL in the news