The Healing Power of Zines: Alternative Art Therapy Practices
This skill share seeks to share information on how zines can be used to heal.
This skill share seeks to share information on how zines can be used to heal.
Learn how to make linocut prints – including how to get started with just an X-acto knife and a big eraser!
As part of this beginner’s bookbinding workshop, we'll discuss tools and design decisions, and look at two different binding techniques.
This workshop will introduce folks to a brief history of zines, how to make one, and how zines change the world!
Come learn some basic techniques of Stop Motion Animating (= No experience or special equipment needed to attend~~~just bring yourself!
Among the many delightful aspects of our growing (!) librarian staff collective is the specialized skills and knowledge we each bring with us! We thought we should let our patrons in on the fun!